Sunday, November 25, 2007

Getting ready...

Here I am with one of my students in 2006 watching hippos in Kenya.

In one week I will be on my way to Kenya. I can't wait to return to Kenya. I certainly didn't think I would be getting back this soon. This Wednesday I will be making a presentation about teaching Anthropology in high School at the American Anthropological Association Annual conference in Washington D.C. I will certainly be talking about my upcoming trip with Earthwatch. I have everything ready to go for my Anthropology class and my Economics classes. My Anthropology students will be studying about the past, present and future of Kenya. My Economic students will be studying the impact of tourism in developing countries. The first thing my students need to do is make sure they can find Kenya on a map of the world! I hope all of you enjoy my posts. I will trying to keep them as interesting and entertaining as possible.